Russ Vincent of Outlaw

I talk a big game over here in the blog, but you know who makes this whole machine go? It's my husband and business partner (and best friend), Russell Vincent.

In 2018, we sold 11,600ish bars of handmade soap. In 2019, we sold more than 43,000 bars, most of which were made by Russ Vincent himself.

In addition to the bar soap, Russ oversaw production of more than 110,000 units of everything from lotion to body wash. That includes ordering almost all the supplies and coordinating production, and making sure that the things that need to be certain places (like Amazon) get to those certain places.

Yes, he's supported by an amazing team, but at the end of the day, Russ is the one holding the inventory lists and facing the demanding CEO (that's me) asking where the xyz products are.

It's a big job to be the muscle behind the whole Outlaw outfit, but Russ is the man for that job.*


* And no, I'm not calling him fat. (this is an inside joke, please pay no attention)


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